Background: Building a a leading position as one of the UK’s most experienced Estate Agent shopfitting contractors, Triton Interiors were called upon to handle this ground-
breaking estate agency site by Haslams, one of Reading’s biggest residential property agents.

The Development: An extensive project saw Triton take possession of two floors of an existing property on Cross Street, Reading. As well as the main Open-Plan workspace and accompanying Offices and Consultation Rooms we also delivered a Public Sales Bar, Food Prep, Comms Room complete with Staff Room and Restroom facilities. A major undertaking saw the installation of a new stair and balustrading around the mezzanine level and a complete M&E package of works with HVAC and lighting installed throughout.
Of particular interest on this project was the variety of floor, wall and ceiling finishes throughout the site with each area receiving several different treatments.
To the floors we fitted; carpet, stone, ceramics and engineered timber planks whilst to the walls we installed; timber cladding, dry-lining, sand-blasted tiles and generally reclaimed and/or renovated the exposed structure throughout. To the ceilings we installed; plasterboard mf to various areas, floating feature rafts, lay-in grids and again renovated and exposed existing structural elements across both floors.
Finally, externally, we created three new apertures along Cross Street facilitating improved levels of natural daylight into the property and refurbished all existing external stonework around the shopfronts themselves.